Friday, July 1, 2011

NALC News for July

Here's what you can read in the NALC News for July.

+ Convocation to elect new bishop and other leaders to guide NALC.

+ NALC Convocation is Aug. 11-12.

+ Lutheran CORE Convocation is Aug. 9.

+ Lutheran CORE - NALC Theological Conference is Aug. 10-11.

+ "Joy in the midst of sorrow and faithfulness in the midst of division" by Pastor John Bradosky, NALC General Secretary.

+ World Mission Prayer League: A Lutheran community in the mission of God.

+ Meet other NALC Congregations featuring Peace Lutheran Church of Split Rock, Wisconsin, and Zion Lutheran Church of Caroline, Wisconsin.

+ “Personal Evangelism: In Pursuit of the Great Commission" by Pastor Don Brandt.

+ NALC reaches 100,000-member milestone. NALC is now among largest third of Lutheran church bodies worldwide.