Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November "CORE Connection" newsletter

CORE Connection - News from Lutheran CORE - November 2010 is now online.

Here is what you can read in this month’s newsletter:

+ ELCA council proposes changing rules to make it harder for congregations to leave.

+ We have so much for which to be thankful in Lutheran CORE.

+ NALC offices to be in Columbus, Ohio.

+ NALC is experiencing rapid growth.

+ New book featuring lectures from Lutheran CORE theological conference is coming soon.

+ Women’s group is being formed for Lutheran CORE and North American Lutheran Church.

+ Ethiopian Lutherans reiterate rejection of ELCA actions on same-sex sexual relationships.

+ How the Size of Your Congregation Can Impact Worship Outreach by Pastor Don Brandt.

+ Pursuing Great Commission Evangelism in your congregation.

+ An Open Letter to the editor of "The Lutheran" by Prof. Carl Braaten.

+ A look at Lutheran CORE - North Carolina.

+ DVD on NALC is available.

The November issue of the NALC News
is also now available.

In addition to some of the above articles, you can read:

+ We take the Great Commission seriously by Bishop Paull Spring.

+ National youth event set for Chicago.

+ Getting to know other NALC congregations featuring St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Carleston, W.Va., and Saint Luke's Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs, Colo.