Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January "CORE Connection" newsletter

CORE Connection - News from Lutheran CORE - January 2011 is now online.

Here is what you can read in this month’s newsletter:

+ Lynn Kickingbird elected as Lutheran CORE chair.

+ John Bradosky to be NALC General Secretary.

+ "The ground of Lutheranism has shifted." Reflections from Lutheran CORE Moderator Paul Ulring.

+ NALC, LCMC leaders to address International Theological and Mission Conference in Ethiopia.

+ Augsburg Lutheran Churches - A Lutheran CORE Church Body.

+ Congregational mission and discipleship event Feb. 11-12 at St. John Lutheran Church in Boerne, Texas.

+ A Faithful, But Difficult, Journey" by Pastor Jeffray Greene.

+ "Making Disciples," the latest in the "Pursuing Great Commission Evangelism in Your Congregation" series by Pastor Don Brandt.

The January issue of the NALC News is also now available.

In addition to some of the above articles, you can read:

+ A Word from General Secretary Pastor John Bradosky.

+ Nominations requested for NALC leaders.

+ Getting to know other NALC congregations featuring Grace Lutheran Church of Erskine, Minnesota.

+ NALC is experiencing rapid growth.