Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lutheran CORE January newsletter

CORE Connection - News from Lutheran CORE – January 2010 is now available online.

Here is what you can read in this month’s newsletter:

+ Lutheran CORE moving forward on two fronts: Proposals are being drafted for continuation of Lutheran CORE as free synod and for a new Lutheran church body.

+ Renewal movement leaders meet with planning group.

+ Northeastern Iowa Synod is laboratory for ELCA crisis.

+ Lutheran CORE becoming independent charitable organization.

+ ELCA sexuality decisions among top news stories of 2009.

+ ELCA issues Christmas Eve news release on expelled congregation’s celebration of ELCA sexuality decisions.

+ Mark Chavez to become full-time director of Lutheran CORE.

+ A look back at 2009 . . . and ahead in 2010
2009 was historic year for Lutherans in North America.
2010 will be a year of new beginnings for Lutherans.

+ Bishop Crumley: ELCA actions violate Confession of Faith.

+ "Why There Must Be New Beginnings" by Dr. Robert Benne.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bishop's Forum in Sioux Falls

News coverage of Bishop Zellmer's forum Thursday in Sioux Falls is available from the Argus Leader, Christian Post, Associate Press (via WCCO), KSFY-TV, and KELO-TV.

of the bishop's Sioux Falls forum are available at the synod's website.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bishop's forum in Rapid City

The headline in the Rapid City Journal accurately describes Bishop David Zellmer's Jan. 12 forum in Rapid City: "Bishop tries to calm waters over gay clergy issue." Read the story here.

KOTA-TV headlined their coverage: "South Dakota ELCA bishop speaks out on gay friendly stance."

Here are some thoughts on the evening:

There were a lot of people there. I would guess 500.

I think the bishop did a good job of public relations for the synod. Although I found the card packets to be a very expensive and glitzy way for a synod that claims to be short on funds to provide information that could all have fit on two sides of a sheet of paper.

Bishop Zellmer continues to defend the actions of the CWA and thus to disappoint me and many others.

The tone of the evening was pretty good with a lot of joking around by the bishop until the very end when Bishop Zellmer got a bit angry and antagonistic toward those who find the ELCA actions to be contrary to the clear teaching of Scripture. He even received a standing ovation for his expression of anger from many of those in attendance. As I think about that part of the evening it's hard to keep the 8th commandment.

There was one little ray of hope in a response the bishop gave to a question about ways that the synod assembly could express the bound conscience of the synod given its previous actions. Bishop Zellmer said he is working on a "sense of the synod" resolution where we could state our position. On the other hand, the bishop said he would rule out of order any attempt to establish a synod position on the sexuality issues because they restrict the actions a congregation can take in calling a pastor (as if the rule that a congregation must call someone on the ELCA roster isn't a restriction on the freedom of a congregation).

I found the evening to be more encouragement to move toward the ELCA exits than encouragement to stay connected. My guess is that whatever opinion people brought to the evening was confirmed and reinforced. Those supportive of the ELCA will feel affirmed. Those concerned by the actions of the Churchwide Assembly will feel that their position is no longer tolerated in the synod in spite of statements to the contrary.

Keep the faith!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bishop's Forum in Aberdeen

The Aberdeen American News has coverage of Bishop David Zellmer's forum on January 11 in Aberdeen as the bishop continues to defend the ELCA actions and encourage people to support the ELCA. You can read about it here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Forum in Sioux Falls attracts 500 people

About 500 people attended the forum with Jim Nestingen and Ken Sauer Sunday in Sioux Falls. It sounds like it was a great day for the Lutheran Church in South Dakota.

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader provides coverage here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bishop Zellmer's Vermillion forum on sexuality

News coverage of the first of SD Synod Bishop David Zellmer's forums on the ELCA sexuality decisions is available from the Yankton Press and Dakotan.

Here is the schedule for the forums:

January 4, Trinity Lutheran, Vermillion, 6:30 p.m.
January 10, Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, Watertown, 7:00 p.m.
January 11, Bethlehem Lutheran, Aberdeen, 6:30
January 12, Calvary Lutheran, Rapid City, 6:30 p.m.
January 14, First Lutheran, Sioux Falls, 6:30 p.m.